Winter is Coming: Is Your Home Ready?

Sponsored by Southwest Gas

As the leaves turn and temperatures drop, it’s time to prepare for the snowy months ahead. Southwest Gas has some essential tips to help you stay safe, warm, and energy efficient.

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Get Appliances Ready for Winter

Now is the perfect time to inspect your natural gas appliances to ensure they’re operating safely and efficiently. This not only helps you stay safe but also saves on energy costs. While Southwest Gas doesn’t perform inspections, you can find a list of licensed contractors at

Special Offer: From October 1 through November 30, take advantage of a $100 Residential Home Heating Inspection from a participating licensed contractor. This inspection can help you identify ways to improve energy efficiency and reduce your heating bills. Visit for more details.

Protect Your Home’s Natural Gas Meter With a Snow Shelter
Don’t forget! Installing a natural gas meter snow shelter before the first snowfall can protect gas meters, regulators, and piping from damage caused by heavy snow and ice. A snow shelter prevents snow and ice accumulation directly on the meter, reducing the risk of leaks and ensuring you have access to natural gas for heating, cooking, and hot water.

Stay safe by planning now. For snow shelter plans and more information, visit or call 877-860-6020.

Important Safety Notice

For the safety of the customer and the community, Southwest Gas will immediately suspend service to a home or business if damage from snow and ice is discovered at a natural gas meter or surrounding piping. Gas service will only be restored when snow and ice are cleared, adequate meter protection is installed, and the customer has observed the requirements imposed by the local jurisdiction.

Natural Gas Winter Safety Tips
In addition, there are other things customers can do to keep infrastructure safe and save energy during the winter months:

  • Clear Snow and Ice Carefully: Where possible, use a broom instead of a shovel to clear snow or ice off natural gas meters and outdoor appliances, including regulators, associated piping, and propane appliances. This prevents damage and ensures efficient operation.
  • Ensure Proper Ventilation: Natural gas appliances require proper exhaust and ventilation. It’s essential to know the location of the air supply and exhaust ducts and to keep them free of snow, ice, leaves, and other debris. Keeping vents clear can help prevent appliance operational problems and carbon monoxide accumulation in buildings.
  • Recognize Gas Leaks: If you suspect a natural gas leak, leave the area immediately and call 911 and Southwest Gas at 877-860-6020. A natural gas leak can be detected by a distinct sulfur-like odor, similar to rotten eggs, even if it is faint or momentary; an unusual hissing or roaring sound coming from the ground or appliance; or blowing dirt, bubbling water, and discolored plants or grass surrounding a pipeline.

Don’t wait until the first snowfall to get ready for winter. By taking these steps now, you can stay safe and warm while saving on energy costs throughout the winter.

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