Tahoe Daily Tribune welcome new South Lake reporter
Tahoe Daily Tribune welcomed a new reporter this week, who has already been out on the scene.
Katelyn Welsh is joining the Tribune team from Reno where she previously worked for Channel 2. She used to work as a paralegal before going back to school at University of Nevada, Reno where she studied Journalism and Biology.
We asked her a series of questions to help the community get to know her a little better.
Where did you live before here? I’ve always lived in the Reno Tahoe Basin, including Incline Village and Sparks.
Why did you become a journalist? I became a journalist because I find stories fascinating and enjoy telling them. I was also an extremely shy kid growing up and often felt like I didn’t have a voice. A part of the motivation for me is speaking up for underrepresented groups.
What do you do for fun? Anything outside. Climbing, snowboarding, mountain biking, hot springing, and hiking. On the rare occasion I’m inside, I’m usually reading, surrounded by my plants.
Is there anything that excites you about living in the area? I’ve always lived in the area, but I’m excited to cover the happenings and needs of my home area that I cherish so much.
If you could have lunch with any person, living or dead, who would you choose? Why? Johnny Cash. I think he’s a great storyteller.
What’s the coolest place you’ve ever traveled to? I couldn’t pick one. Patagonia, Chile and Ecuador.
Best concert you’ve been to? I honestly enjoy smaller venues than big headliners. I’ve never had a bad time seeing Tainted Love at the CBC.
What’s the worst movie you’ve seen? Why? Most dog movies. They absolutely break my heart.
Favorite season? Why? Hard to decide, but probably Fall because in this region I can often participate in all my hobbies in the same season.
Welsh can be reached at Kwelsh@tahoedailytribune.com.
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