South Lake Tahoe K-5th Graders dive into the wonders of water

Submitted to the Tribune

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. – Local students dive into the wonders of water with South Tahoe Environmental Education Coalition (STEEC.) Over the past three weeks, all Lake Tahoe Unified School District (LTUSD) K-5th graders learned about water and nature through hands-on place-based learning.

Over 20 volunteers joined students at their schools to rotate through three educational stations where they learned about the environment and their impact on water and nature. 

“It was great to watch the students understand, process, and handle real, big concepts, like plastics recycling and aquatic invasive species,” said Lily Summerville, California Climate Action Corps fellow and presenter. “It’s awesome to see young kids engaging with important local issues!”

Over 20 volunteers joined students at their schools to rotate through three educational stations where they learned about the environment and their impact on water and nature.
Provided / STPUD

The field trip includes a range of hands-on activities, including a second-grade station hosted by South Tahoe Public Utility District where students pretended to be water droplets, moving through the water cycle, and making a bracelet with each stop along the way.

Second grader Shane exclaimed his love for the station saying, “I didn’t like it, I love it!” Flashing a heart with his hands.

Fourth graders built art with nature as part of a mindfulness activity with the United States Forest Service. Students learned how creating art can also create peace in nature.

“My favorite station was Keep Tahoe Blue’s, I enjoyed trying to run over to the squares to get to the resources. I was a native species!” shared third grader, Teagan.

STEEC is a collaborative network of more than 20 local agencies and organizations with an aligned mission to bring environmental education resources to Lake Tahoe youth. The hands-on lessons follow the Next Generation Science Standards and build from one year to the next. STEEC programs reach thousands of local K-12th grade kids every year.

Provided / STPUD

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