Sierra Central Credit Union gives South Tahoe High students a bite of reality

Submitted to the Tribune

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. – Sierra Central Credit Union (SCCU) partnered with South Lake Tahoe High School on September 19, 2024 to empower over 200 graduating seniors with practical financial skills through the engaging Richard Myles Johnson Foundation (RMJF) program, Bite of Reality.

RMJF was established in 1958 as the California Filene Foundation and provides financial education resources for credit unions in California and Nevada. Their financial literacy program, Bite of Reality, is a hands-on app-based simulation that gives teens a taste of real-world financial realities. RMJF provides the curriculum and partners with local credit unions, who produce the programs at high schools in their coverage areas.

Volunteers from Sierra Central Credit Union and LTUSD help students navigate through stations while talking to them about their career and monthly budget, all while helping them decide on which items to purchase, during Bite of Reality, September 19, 2024.

In this program, teens are given a fictional occupation, salary, credit score, spouse and child, student loan debt, credit card debt, and medical insurance payments. As part of the program, students walk around to various stations to purchase housing, transportation, food, clothing, and other needs. Throughout the simulation, students navigate the challenges of budgeting and covering monthly bills, all while resisting pressure from salespeople.

“This simulation provides a fun and realistic glimpse into the financial realities young adults will face after graduation,” shared Olivia Brown, Sierra Central’s Marketing and PR Coordinator. “As the simulation took off, students were quickly surprised by the cost of everyday expenses. This valuable experience gave students the knowledge and confidence to make informed financial decisions,” Brown explained.

The Bite of Reality simulation proved to be a hit with students, sparking lively discussions and fostering a deeper understanding of financial responsibility. “What an awesome day, we loved having Sierra Central Credit Union on campus,” explained Alan Reeder, Lake Tahoe Unified School District, Associate Superintendent, Educational Services.

Sierra Central believes in giving back by offering Bite of Reality and other financial literacy programs each month. To learn more about Sierra Central’s impact to the communities they serve and for information on their comprehensive Youth Financial Literacy Programs, visit

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