Political consultant Michaela Tonking runs to retain IVGID seat 

INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. – Incline Village General Improvement District incumbent Michaela Tonking is a political consultant who works on education cost modeling, school funding policy, program evaluation, district technical assistance, and early childhood education. 

“I am running for re-election … and am up to speed on the many issues that face IVGID,” Tonking said. “I grew up in this town and very much understand the community and have watched it change and evolve. I have a background in accounting, which allows me to understand budgeting and financial processes. I use almost all of the IVGID venues, so I understand the user experience and know the employees and can see the areas of improvement.” 

Tonking said she originally ran four years ago to give back to the community. 

“I actually ended up running originally because I started going to some board meetings and really was thinking about like all that I had gained from … growing up here and all the services and amenities that I have access to and all the things that I was able to learn and just being cared for by some incredible people,” Tonking said. “And so, I really wanted to give back in that way and just continue to create a place where other families and community members could really thrive and flourish like it had given to myself and my family.” 

During Tonking’s first term, she cites the effluent pipeline as one of her accomplishments. 

“So, the effluent pipeline is a pipeline that takes effluent, so wastewater, out of the district and into Carson City, which is mandated through federal and state regulations,” Tonking explained. “And we’ve had over the years, there have been a lot of leakage and things that have occurred that would make the district liable, obviously, if wastewater is leaking into the lake at any point.” 

IVGID hired Granite Construction to redo parts of the pipeline “to ensure that there won’t be any rupturing or cracking occurring,” Tonking said. “So, replacing that, and that should last hopefully another 100 years.” 

Completion date is summer 2025, Tonking said. 

The other capital accomplishment Tonking cited was completing the Burnt Cedar Pool project. The pool was replaced, a pool deck and walkway to the beach were added. 

“I think the other like main accomplishment … would be spending a lot of time working on really like making sure that our staff is supported and we’re working on making sure that their voices get heard as well as reflecting on the needs of our families,” Tonking said. “That has also been a voice I’ve really used a lot.” 

Tonking has a master’s in accounting from University of Colorado, master’s in education policy from Brown University, and an undergraduate degree in business from University of Colorado. 

Tonking said her top three election issues are recruiting and retaining a high-quality staff, financial stewardship, and maintaining and improving IVGID’s assets. 

IVGID has lost many long-term staff and is facing high turn-over especially at the management level, Tonking said. The board currently needs to hire a new general manager, and the district needs to fill many director-level positions. 

“The loss of staff has come with the loss of institutional knowledge,” Tonking said. “As a board member, I will work to cultivate an environment where staff feels appreciated yet is held accountable and respected for their knowledge in the field. We need work to be a place that people want to work.” 

The general fund is currently running a deficit, and IVGID’s utility is not retaining the proper fund balance, she said. 

“We need to be aware of our spending, especially with the large costs going to outside consultants,” Tonking said. “We also must take the findings from the previous three consultants and make the necessary changes to ensure we have the proper financial systems in place.” 

The RubinBrown report highlights issues that have been reported by other consultants. 

“I think it’s a good sign that like everyone’s finding the same thing,” Tonking said. “… instead of hiring a consultant to tell us again what was wrong, we really should have hired a consultant to help review what we did that last year that was beneficial.” 

Tonking also said there needs to be a qualified finance director to ensure IVGID does not have any more audit issues like fiscal year 2023. 

Tonking said the district needs to invest and maintain IVGID’s assets. 

“The first area we need to invest in are our assets that pose a health or safety risk to our community such as the boat ramp, tennis courts, and effluent pipeline,” Tonking said. “Next, we need to maintain and improve our infrastructure to meet the community’s needs, for example the recreation center, skate park, and snowflake lodge.” 

Tonking asks voters to look at her unique assets. 

“My education in accounting finance and policy, my unique perspective as a young professional who grew up in the town, and my ability to both negotiate and compromise make me the strongest candidate for this board,” Tonking said. “I am confident in my ability to create understanding and ease public concern regarding financial topics and budgets. I will work as team member on this board to make informed decisions while eliminating political divide. I will continue to focus on addressing our community’s needs and improving the services that IVGID offers.”

For more information on Tonking, go to

IVGID Trustee Michaela Tonking is running for re-election.

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