Letter to the Editors

Dear Editor,

My name is Frank Wright and I am a candidate for the Incline Village General Improvement District board of Trustees. In last Fridays Tahoe Daily Tribune (9/20) editorials two residents wrote that I and Harry Swenson another candidate favored privatization of all the recreational venues in Incline Village. This accusation is categorically untrue.

Once false statement like this reach the press it is difficult to unwind the damage! The authors have retracted their false accusation, I believe they should be banned from submitting any material in the future. This editorial needed to be fact checked.

Frank Wright

Dear Editor,

I recently retired as the Chief Deputy District Attorney for the Criminal Division of the Douglas County District Attorney’s Office. In that capacity, I prosecuted criminal cases in all the courts of Douglas County, including the Tahoe Justice Court. That included regular appearances before Tahoe Township Justice of the Peace Michael Johnson in his Court.

Judge Johnson has significant courtroom and trial experience in both criminal and civil litigation. This is evident as Judge Johnson is thoughtful, fair and well-prepared as a judge. Douglas County has been well served by Judge Johnson. I encourage the voters of Tahoe Township to retain Judge Johnson in the general election on November 5.

Erik Levin

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