Jacks Valley Ranch on market for $15 million

Kurt Hildebrand / Record-Courier
An aerial view of Jacks Valley Ranch in northwestern Douglas County.
Chase International photo

For the first time in more than a half century, the historic Jacks Valley Ranch is on the market for $15 million.

The 1,230-acre working cattle ranch located in northwestern Douglas County was purchased by then Sparks Nugget owner John Ascuaga in 1969 and was previously owned by philanthropist Max C. Fleishmann.

Ascuaga died in June 2021 after selling the Nugget in 2013.

In 2016, 1,169 acres of the ranch was preserved in a conservation easement purchased through the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act.

According to Chase International Listing Agent Mike Dunn, the property includes 737 acres of irrigated pasture, 4,112 acre feet of deeded water rights, some dating back to the 1860s, more than 100 acres of sage, four residences and four buildable parcels.

According to background included in the conservation easement, there are two 150-year-old barns on the property.

The ranch has nearly two miles of frontage on Water Canyon, Jacks Valley and Chedle creeks.

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