Incline Village Church honored by veterans groups for outstanding support

Submitted to the Tribune

INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. – Cornerstone Community Church of Incline Village was recently honored by local veterans’ groups Military Officers Association of America – Lake Tahoe Chapter (“MOAA” ) and Incline Village/Crystal Bay Veterans’ Club (“Vets”) for its exceptional commitment and ongoing support to the local veteran community. The recognition, which took place September 15 at a special ceremony highlighted the church’s efforts in providing resources, hosting Independence Day celebration veteran events, and offering spiritual guidance to veterans and their families.

From left, Lettie Miller, Past President IV/CB Vets, Jim Clark, Pres MOAA Lake Tahoe, Brian McCaughey, Pastor, Cornerstone Community Church

“We are deeply honored to receive this recognition from the veterans’ groups,” said Brian McCaughey, Pastor of the church. “Our mission has always been to serve and support the entire community, and veterans hold a special place in our hearts. We will continue to provide whatever support is needed.”

Cornerstone Community Church has been an active supporter of veterans, hosting outreach programs, prayer services, and social events aimed at fostering a sense of community among local veterans. The veterans’ groups presented Cornerstone with a plaque describing the church as “Semper Fidelis to (local) veterans and surviving spouses”.

For more information on Cornerstone Church and its veteran support programs, visit

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