Incline High Boys Soccer goes 1-2 last week

Tim Kelly

INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. – The Incline High boys soccer team is now 2-3 in league play after a win at Sage Ridge and then two tough home matches against North Tahoe and South Tahoe.

Monday was definitely the highlight for the Highlanders as they went down and cruised by the scorpions at Sage Ridge 6-0. Incline jumped out to a 4-0 half time lead before adding two more goals in the second stanza for the win.

Senior Sam Lager had 2 goals and Sophomore Gavin Kratz added 2 more. Junior Andrew Valadez added a goal and Freshman Noah Harssema score his first goal in a Highlander uniform. Fellow Freshman, Nate Lager added 2 assists to his yearly total and Senior Calvin Day and Sophomore Jack Mangiaracina also added an assist a piece.

Incline soccer going for the goal.

Thursday and Saturday’s home matches showed that the young Highlanders have a lot of fight in them but sometimes size and maturity win out. Both North Tahoe and South Tahoe are full of older and physically bigger players, and they took advantage of both defeating Incline 3-0 and 5-0.

Coach Peter Salazar was still very proud of his group and how they competed and fought all week long in victory and defeat.

“It sucks.” the third-year coach said. “But, our time and turn will come for sure.”

Incline doesn’t return to the pitch until Sept. when they travel over to South Tahoe for a rematch with the Vikings.

Incline soccer with fancy footwork

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