Cold Water Brewery welcomes new ownership  

It’s been almost 10 years since owner Debbie Brown opened the doors of Cold Water Brewery. While she had been recently gauging the idea of stepping into retirement and what it would take to sell the business, it wasn’t until incoming owners, Melanie and Kevin Hubbert, caught her attention with a letter, which started the process.  

“Melanie & Kevin wrote the most incredible letter anybody could ever hope for,” said Brown. “Everything was so thought out. Every paragraph. Every phrase. I was blown away.”  

The Hubberts are no strangers to Tahoe, having been coming up to the lake for most of their lives.  

“Tahoe was always like a second home to me,” added Kevin. “We wrote a really nice, thoughtful letter because we knew she put her blood, sweat and tears into it.” 

Debbie Brown, was the owner and founder of Cold Water Brewery.
Rob Galloway / Tahoe Daily Tribune

The most recent encounter wasn’t the first time they had crossed paths. According to Kevin, they met Brown about a year or so after Cold Water had opened and really fell in love with the ambiance of the brewery and restaurant – something the two of them are very familiar with.  

“We met at Half Moon Bay Brewing Company,” said Melanie. “We both respectively worked there for about 13 years. That’s where we met, we got married there, and we always talked about having our own restaurant and brewery.”  

Kevin added, “My passion has always been in hospitality. It’s always been our lifelong dream of owning a restaurant-brewery. We’re really thankful for Debbie passing on the torch to us and trusting us to take Cold Water to its next chapter in its legacy.”  

Melanie and Kevin Hubbert are the new owners of Cold Water.
Mike Peron / Tahoe Daily Tribune

And although there aren’t any intentions of changing anything moving forward, the one thing that cannot be replicated is the one-of-a-kind infectious attitude that Brown brought to the business every day. However, Brown will look to turn that passion into other community initiatives.  

“Not having Cold Water, I would like to get involved with some of the issues that are important to me in the community,” said Brown. “I’ve lived here 33 years. I love everything about south shore. I don’t know exactly what’s going to call me the loudest and where people think I might be useful to them, but this is an opportunity to be a volunteer in the community.”  

While the community won’t be losing Brown all together (she’ll split her time with Tahoe in the summers), they will be gaining a family in the Hubberts. The couple and their two children (and two dogs) will be calling South Lake Tahoe their home.  

“Everything that Tahoe has to offer is where we want to raise our kids,” added Kevin. “Everyone in the community has been super welcoming. We’re super thankful all around.”   

Brown has been at the forefront of that welcoming committee adding, “How wonderful is it that the people who wanted to invest, wanted to be part of South Lake Tahoe, have been Cold Water guests for quite some time now? We’re incredibly lucky to have these two people take over Cold Water.” 

With Melanie and Kevin on board to continue the tradition going, Brown is happy to know that the legacy of Cold Water she helped build will keep forging forward – including the sense of family.  

“One thing that really stuck out to us when we were in early discussions was how much of a family it was at Cold Water,” said Melanie. “We’re excited to carry on to the next step.” 

With Brown’s next step consisting of spending time with her partner on their boat in sunny waters during the winter, and time with their seven children and three grandchildren while in Tahoe in the summer, she also looks forward to being a guest at Cold Water.  

And if there was one thing that Brown has learned owning a business in Tahoe? 

“Love your people fiercely. They are truly your biggest asset. It doesn’t matter what you sell, people are how it works.”  

“Be open. Be friendly. Be the example that you want others to follow. I always wanted to raise the bar. I always wanted the bar to be the highest we could put it up there. I just dream the big dreams. Don’t be afraid to bring it.”  

Cold Water Brewery and Grill is located at 2544 Lake Tahoe Blvd in South Lake Tahoe. For more information you can reach them by phone at (530) 544-4677 or visit them online at  

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