Agenda review: South Lake Tahoe City Council, El Dorado County, LTCC, TRPA

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. –  The South Lake Tahoe City Council will be meeting on Tuesday, October 22 at 5:30 p.m.

City Council meetings are held in person at 1901 Lisa Maloff Way. Meetings are live-streamed on Channel 21, City website at, YouTube at and via ZOOM at this link


  1. Proclamation- Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Public Hearing

14. Sugar Pine Village Affordable Housing Project Phase 1B – Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Hearing. Requested Action / Suggested Motions: Hold a public hearing and Pass a Resolution authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $35,000,000 by the California Municipal Finance Authority for the purpose of providing financing for a residential housing facility known as Sugar Pine Village Phase 1B.

15. Sugar Pine Village Affordable Housing Project Phase 1A – Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Hearing for Supplemental Bonds. Requested Action / Suggested Motions: Hold a public hearing and pass a Resolution authorizing the issuance of supplemental revenue bonds in an amount up to $35,000,000 by the California Municipal Finance Authority for the purpose of providing financing for a residential housing facility known as Sugar Pine Village Phase 1A.

Regular New Business

16. Design Build Contract with Willdan Energy Solutions for Energy Upgrades at City Facilities. Requested Action / Suggested Motions: City Council is asked to either: (1) Pass a Resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute a design-build contract with Willdan Energy Solutions in an amount not to exceed $11,414,389, contingent upon the City obtaining financing for the project, and finding that the cost of the project will be offset by the anticipated savings in energy consumption; or (2) Pass a Resolution appropriating $213,740 to compensate Willdan Energy Solutions for an Investment Grade Audit report.

17. Tourist Accommodation Unit (TAU) Discussion. Requested Action / Suggested Motions: Council is asked to either: (1) Pass a Motion providing direction to staff to coordinate with the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (“TRPA”) on potential changes to TRPA land use policies, procedures, and ordinances to require a TAU for vacation home rentals; or (2) receive and file.

See the full agenda here

El Dorado County Supervisors

The El Dorado County Supervisors will be meeting on Tuesday, October 22 at 9 a.m. 

The meeting can be viewed in person at 330 Fair Lane, Building A Placerville or remotely via or


9. Environmental Management Department recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign a budget transfer adjusting the budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25 in the following Orgs:

1) Increase budget for staff labor and interfund transfers in the South Lake Tahoe Solid Waste Org by $22,000 due to increased activity with AB 939 and SB 1383 regulations which impacted staff time and subsequently labor and benefits, which is offset by a $22,000 decrease in contingency within the same Org;

2) Increase budget for operating transfers out in the South Lake Tahoe Solid Waste Org and operating transfers in for the Solid Waste Org in the amount of $23,000 for the Local Enforcement Agency site inspections of landfills in the South Lake Tahoe area, which is offset by a $23,000 decrease to contingency in the South Lake Tahoe Solid Waste Org; and

3) Increase to interfund transfers in of $22,000 from South Lake Tahoe Waste Org, contingency fund transfer out to Admin Org to fund maintenance: computer software in the Administration Org by $22,000 to support the purchase of Board approved software, Hedgerow Software US, Inc. (4/5 vote required).

10. Department of Transportation recommending the Board:

1) Award Bid 24-0054 for the purchase of Plant Mix Asphalt Concrete for the East Slope of El Dorado County to the sole qualified bidder, Tahoe Asphalt, Inc. of South Lake Tahoe, CA;

2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase contract in the amount of $900,000 ($300,000/year) for a thirty-six (36-month) month term following Board approval; and

3) Authorize the Purchasing Agent to increase the purchase contract on an “as needed” basis during the awarded period as long as funding is available within the requesting department’s budget

14. Planning and Building Department, with concurrence from the Chief Administrative Office and pursuant to Board of Supervisors Policy B-2, Section II, B(3), recommending the Board approve a waiver of applicable fees for a Temporary Use Permit in the amount of $1,927 requested by the Sierra Educational Foundation for hosting the 2024 Ullr Fest, with proceeds for educating and supporting the Sierra at Tahoe youth ski and snowboard athletes by providing an opportunity to pursue their passion and achieve their full potential, regardless of their economic or social circumstances with a key benefit to the local community.

16. Planning and Building Department, Tahoe Planning and Building Division, recommending the Board approve the Final Passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5209 amending Title 5 – County Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code, amending Chapter 5.56 – Vacation Home Rentals, to add the recommendations of the Vacation Home Rental Advisory Committee and Board of Supervisors.

23. Sheriff’s Office recommending the Board:

1) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 182-2024 approving the acceptance of grant funds from the California State Parks, Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Division Grant Program in the amount of $146,293 for law enforcement services on the Rubicon Trail and OHV areas within El Dorado County; and

2) Approve and authorize the Sheriff to sign the OHV Grant Project Agreement G25-03-07-L01 in the amount of $146,293 with the California Department of Parks and Recreation for the term October 5, 2024, through October 4, 2025

See the full agenda here

Lake Tahoe Community College Board of Trustees

The Lake Tahoe Community College Board of Trustees are meeting Tuesday, October 22 at 5:30 p.m. at the Board Meeting Room – L104, One College Drive, South Lake Tahoe. 

New Business

7.1 Consideration of Approval of Resolution Number 5 – 2024-2025 in Support of Measure U: Lake Tahoe Unified School District Bond Measure

7.2 Consideration of Approval of 2024-2025 Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee Membership Lists

7.3 Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 2710 – Conflict of Interest and Administrative Procedure 2712 – Conflict of Interest Code

7.4 Consideration of Approval of the Interim Director of Forestry, Fire & Public Safety Employment Contract.

View the full agenda here.

Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board

The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Advisory Planning Commission is meeting at Wednesday, October 23, on Zoom and at Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 128 Market Street, Stateline, Nev.

The TRPA Operations & Governance Committee will meet at 8:30 a.m.

4) Discussion and possible recommendation for approval of Release of El Dorado County Water Quality Mitigation Funds ($20,000.00) towards the Pioneer Trail/US Highway 50 Intersection Safety Improvement Project (for possible action).

5) Discussion and possible recommendation for approval of Release of El Dorado County Water Quality Mitigation Funds ($35,000.00) towards the Apache Avenue Pedestrian Safety and Connectivity Project (for possible action). 

6) Discussion and possible recommendation for approval of inflation adjustment to TRPA Filing Fee Schedule (for possible action). 

7) Discussion and possible recommendation for approval of inflation adjustment to TRPA Rental Car Mitigation Fee (for possible action). 

8) Discussion and possible recommendation for approval of inflation adjustment to TRPA Mobility Mitigation Fee (for possible action). 

The TRPA Governing Board will meet no earlier than 9:30 a.m.

Administrative Matters

A. General Counsel Interview, hiring decision, and delegation of offer letter preparation. 

Planning Matters

A. Government Relations Program Update on Federal, State, and Local Initiatives.

The TRPA Transportation Committee will meet no earlier than noon.

3) Presentation and possible endorsement of the Regional Transportation Plan (Connections 2050) Forecast Assumptions (for possible action). 

4) Presentation and possible endorsement of the approach to the financial forecast, strategies, and projects of the Regional Transportation Plan (Connections 2050) (for possible action).

5) Presentation and possible endorsement of direction to update the Regional Plan Transportation Funding Milestones (for possible action).

See the full agenda here.

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